Hair growth is something that I’ve always lacked in my life, the shame and the embarrassment I get when I wake up to dress up – to slay but guess what? I have no confidence especially knowing my natural hair isn’t complimenting my lifestyle. It’s not growing like other ladies hair I come across on my way to the saloon, it’s so stunt I tried to understand what I’m doing wrongly to my precious hairs on my head.

So what did I do wrong, would you care to know how I solve my hair growth issue. How I grew the hair in 7 days honestly but that’s a humor, you can’t grow that much hair to waist length as you expected under one week but you can grow it to 5cm in a year but factors are determinant.

Before we look at the topic at which we seek, I would like to chip in a little on the major factors that inhibits hair growth below;

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Major Factors that Inhibits hair Growth

Stunners, I’m pretty sure you must have stumbled upon many articles online telling you a lot of factors that could slow down or entirely discourage the growth of your hair, however after research we found out that there are crucial factors that plays this wicked role. Quickly let’s talk about it before we jump to the steps on how to get the rapid hair growth as your routine result.

The three factors are;

  • Excessive Heat styling
  • Poor Diet
  • Wrong Hair Styling
1. Excessive Heat styling

We all want a beautiful curls, a bony straight hair to look like we haven’t eaten for 3 days so our spouses could give us more money to look stunning but little did we know that our hair health was lacking.

If you’re using heat tools every day – whether it be hot irons or even the hair-dryer we regularly use, you should probably think about cutting down the rate at which you use them for your own goodness because Heat has been proven to be a major hair weakener so considering a simple alternative such as  going an extra day without heat can dramatically improve the condition of your hair.

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Best Heat Protectectants for hair

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2. Poor Diet☹️

As with most things health and beauty, diet plays a massive role in not only the condition of your hair, but also your rate of hair growth.

If your hair won’t grow, your diet could be deficient in vitamins, minerals and protein that are associated with the hair development, you wouldn’t require more advice to maintain a healthy diet.

3. Wrong Hair Styling

Holding your hair tight usually pulls your hair from it’s scalp, especially those that uses a braiding hair extension. I didn’t declare these extensions to be bad but you want to go for a protective stylings instead. Don’t let jasmine be pulling your hairs all the time!

Immediately check these stunning hair styles that will protect your hair from breakages.

Finally if you’ve checked on the protective hairstyles, let’s then get down to the aim of this article which is the proven steps to grow your hair fast.

Steps on how to Grow your Hair

  • Use mask treatment enriched with proteins for hair growth
  • Kill the desire to go Blonde
  • Go for Regular hair cuts
  • Always Moisturize your hair
  • Deploy he use of Natural Oils
  • Add a vitamin to your A.M. routine

1. Use  mask treatment enriched with proteins for hair growth

The use of hair mask treatment which are filled with proteins responsible for improving the growth of hair, on my first trial i it works so well that I eventually started seeing improvements sine after I began the journey to seek for a hair.

Now I know you might be wondering the kinda proteins we talking about here, We’re talking about egg yolk, a whole banana, a whole avocado and coconut food hair mask for a longer hair. Also the great thing about this hair mask is that you could produce yours right at home if you have the time, however let’s quickly highlight the procedures for you to make a hair mask.

Procedure on making a hair mask

a) In a small mixing bowl,

b) whip all ingredients together until it forms to a batter.

c) Massage the mixture into the hair and cover it using either a shower cap or a moisture resistant wrap.

d) Allow at position of rest for an hour or two and rinse off using a mild shampoo of choice.

When you follow the procedures above you’d have ready your hair mask in no time, however there are some who won’t have such time to start producing a hair mask, we’ve researched on best and quality hair mask you can use.

Best cheap Hair Mask to Start using

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  4. [WooZoneProducts asin=”amz-B00F58CG40″][/WooZoneProducts]
  5. [WooZoneProducts asin=”amz-B07N32HGR4″][/WooZoneProducts]

2. Kill the desire to go Blonde

Cupcakes, at one time or the other you’ve had this urge to bleach your hair all blonde and look super stunning, however I’d advice you to stay away from it, shun that desire because When the cuticle of the hair is damaged from bleach contained in the blonde colored dye, you can have more breakage or split ends which in turns ruins your dreams of having a long hair.

3. Go for Regular hair cuts

Wah! I know you must be shocked by the point above, actually hair cuts doesn’t literally imply bringing your hair down to the skull, going for regular hair cuts here implies that you should always get your hair trimmed, I will tell you why; Now this is why you need to go for a regular hair trimming, While haircuts don’t make your hair grow any faster, they get rid of split ends that break your hair, this will make your hair grow not just growing, but grow very well so you won’t end up having a long jagged hair.

4. Always Moisturize your hair

It is very important to add enough Moisture to your hair, yes I mean it! As serious as it is after a wash, path dry the hair and moisturize with a moisturizing cream and do a simple twist on it, the simple twist will help retain the moisturizing cream you applied on your hair.

5. Deploy the use of Natural Oils

If you’re not using good natural hair oils on your hair then you’re missing out, there so many essential oil good for majorly helping the hair scalp, ensure you resort to using these oils so that your new routine of growing  long hair style won’t be a failed goal. Cutting the talk short, we all know what natural oil looks like, but trust us, we put to research to ensure we get the best 5 of these natural oil so you can begin usage now.

Best Natural Hair Oils

  1. [WooZoneProducts asin=”amz-B075YZHYQV”][/WooZoneProducts]
  2. [WooZoneProducts asin=”amz-B011QHFB4A”][/WooZoneProducts]
  3. [WooZoneProducts asin=”amz-B01B12KCGC”][/WooZoneProducts]
  4. [WooZoneProducts asin=”amz-B07GC56H36″][/WooZoneProducts]
  5. [WooZoneProducts asin=”amz-B0186U9736″][/WooZoneProducts]

P.S: Wear a satin head wrap; while sleeping on your cotton bed-sheets, it socks up the essential oils from the hair.

6. Add a Vitamin to your A.M. routine

Your diet naturally should be supplying you with this vitamin, but if you ain’t seeing results let’s peacefully resort to the use of supplements, this will guarantee results in your routine to begin; Look for a multivitamin that is formulated and labeled ‘For Hair, Skin and Nails, Those contain important vitamins like biotin and C and B vitamins that support hair health.” One of the added advantage is that you are liable to a much get better skin in the process! As usual we put to research and came up with the best Vitamins For Healthy Hair.

Best Vitamins for Healthy Hair

  1. [WooZoneProducts asin=”amz-B01LDH7GOQ”][/WooZoneProducts]
  2. [WooZoneProducts asin=”amz-B07GHT1WMR”][/WooZoneProducts]
  3. [WooZoneProducts asin=”amz-B0034KHLG4″][/WooZoneProducts]
  4. [WooZoneProducts asin=”amz-B07BHTJ4B9″][/WooZoneProducts]
  5. [WooZoneProducts asin=”amz-B07N97T58P”][/WooZoneProducts]

 In summary

In other to get positive results from your routine, ensure you strictly follow all the procedures we’ve listed, buy the recommended products as much as you can afford, we are pretty sure that this will,work for you because out there it worked for 97.8% of ladies. However stunner, we’d love to hear from you personally about this subject as its so important to us to see that you get good results from this routine.